Canine Colleague

Canine College

Research on the bond between dogs and humans confirms what dog lovers already know; they are very good for your mind, body, heart and soul. Dogs can lessen depression and anxiety and reduce signs of stress by lowering blood pressure, regulating breathing, slowing heart rate, relaxing muscle tension and reducing the amounts of stress hormones in the body.

And so, Dr. Emmie, my poodle-smart, sweet–tempered, eight-pound hypoallergenic therapy dog is frequently called into service on an as needed basis. If desired, she affectionately greets patients in the waiting room, escorts them to their seat, sizes up just what is needed that day and let’s them know that they are welcome and wonderful just as they are. She puts anxious adults at ease, lifts their spirits, soothes and resources those who are suffering from trauma, grief and loss, and offers fuller emotional and tactile connection as needed. Otherwise she sleeps at my feet where an occasional snore is not to be taken personally.

She loves small tennis balls and chicken treats. In fact, just make your check out to her.

Ready for anything!